About us
Personalised Fitness Castle Hill
About Us

Make a Change
“Personalised Fitness is our platform to fulfil this purpose.
Create a motivating, supportive, friendly and professional environment, surrounded by like-minded people where we can help each other grow and achieve.
We can’t change the world, but if we can change one mind, one life, they too can inspire their circle of influence creating a chain effect.”
“…The experience of being involved in sporting environments has helped me grow and understand the importance of maintaining a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.
This has led me to recently completing my Certificate III and Certificate IV in fitness, allowing me to pursue a career to do what I love, encourage and motivate others to improve their health, fitness and wellbeing.”
“At Personalised Fitness, working with like-minded trainers, allows me to help others progress and understand how to apply the various aspects of health and fitness to their own lives.
My hope is to help as many people as possible live lives unaffected by issues associated with negative health and preventable illness.”
“I enjoy anything active and exciting, especially sport. Anyone who has experienced my classes and training sessions will know I always bring fun activies and a heap of energy!
At Personalised Fitness I am involved behind the scenes improving the client basis. I run specific classes and perform remedial massage for our community.”
13 Years ago; Aunty Gina signed me up to my first gym, Creo Fitness.
From there I made it a regular habit. Meeting people from all walks of life who would offer advice, time and conversation. In the process, dropping from 130kgs to an all low of 80 kilograms. It was unhealthy. My dad told me my head was out of ratio with my body.
Noodles, fish oil, and slaving on the treadmill was the lifestyle recipe.
10 Years ago; I made the move to Brisbane, Australia, leaving my family, friends, and life back in New Zealand after being rejected from the police force. In search for new beginnings, and opportunities.
8 years ago; Dilly and her family had just moved over to Sydney. I moved down from Brisbane after a year. No job, juggling a part time course in Personal Training (2 days per week which she paid for), whilst being at home all day on the Playstation 3.
Living off, my now wife Dilly, whilst she was working part time at Kmart Merrylands. Geez she’s a legend. What an embarrassment I was, just thinking about it.
We didn’t have much to begin with, I remember this one time when Dilly first started out, she was on-call. So you have to say yes to every shift they ask you for, otherwise you get knocked back.
We only had enough gas to make one trip there and back. So while she worked, I slept in the car for 6 hours until she finished. The Internet wasn’t set back then either.
7 years ago; I started my PT career with a burning desire promising to one day help Aunty Gina take control of her life, open a studio to use as a platform inspiring my loved ones, others, and pacific community, to help improve their lifestyle habits, increasing the quality and longevity of their lives.
My upbringing, experiences, and environment were and still are motivating factors to be better for those around me.
This gave me direction, and purpose so clear that one morning I woke up, wrote a letter, tracked down the owner of a local studio in Castle Hill, and emailed the letter.
I got the call to come in. 5am I showed up, black pants, white shirt tucked in, everything to gain, nothing to lose.
He gave me the look of what you are doing here, as my appointment was at 6am.
We did the fitness test… and I gave it EVERYTHING!
We walked over to the reception desk, opened the folder of results of other trainers.. He looked at me summing everything up and said.. “Yeah you didn’t do too well hey”.. I basically failed every test.. 1 minute row, push ups, plank, and beep test.. BUT I made sure I gave 110% with everything to gain and nothing to lose.
There was a 9 week mentor program where you are the client, and goals are set in order for you to achieve. You are kept accountable. If you achieve your goals at the end of the 9 week phase, you get the job, and if you don’t then.. That wasn’t an option..
In the 2nd week we had McDonalds. On the 4th week we had a drink.
Keep in mind, I was being weighed in every week, tracking my food which was being checked.
In the 5th week, I picked up a job as I was not getting paid at all for the long days I was doing back then. I was focused on the bigger picture.
5am, start at the studio. 2pm, leave for Homebush. 3pm, start. 10pm, finish. 11pm, home, sleep and repeat.
In the 9th week.. I had just made my goal from 110 kilograms to 99.9 kilograms!
Since then I have gone on to helping people from all walks of life and helping family members wanting to make a change. That feeling is so special, it’s like no other!
In the process I have been fortunate enough to learn from each encounter, helping mould me into the person I am today.
A Body Building Competition, Multiple running events, Powerlifting Meets, Obstacle course and continuous upskilling through various courses and personal development books later.
4 Years ago; Aunty Gina passed away at the ripe age of 40 due to health complications
I feel it could’ve been avoided. I failed to fulfil my promise, but use her passing as inspiration to help others.
If you want a different result, make a different choice. You always have a choice.
Aunty Gina was a special lady. She was the youngest but the matriarch of the family. She was educated, spoke properly, and went to University. Where I’m from, when someone makes it to University it is a big deal, a great sense of achievement for the family, parents, and culture as these are the reasons why our parents work hard for.
She didn’t have any kids of her own, but treated all her nephews and nieces like her own.
6 Months ago; Personalised Fitness was born. I’ve always believed in what you put out into the universe is what you attract. Being fortunate enough to have great individuals and our Studio Community believe in us, Personalised Fitness was made possible.
My purpose is to help others, through my own experiences, inspire change for them and their families, so they do not go through what we went through in losing Aunty Gina.
Personalised Fitness is our platform to fulfil this purpose. Create a motivating, supportive, friendly and professional environment, surrounded by like-minded people, where we can help each other grow and achieve. We are a family…
We can’t change the world, but if we can change one mind, one life, they too can inspire their circle of influence creating a chain effect.
Hi, my name is Annabel
I come from Taralga a small country town in the Southern Tablelands approximately 2.5 to 3 hours from Sydney.
I am super friendly, easy going and enjoy working with people. Growing up on a farm and coming from a very close family unit and sporting community has also provided me with the support to pursue my passion to work in the Health and Fitness industry.
My journey so far has allowed me to be a part of some amazing sporting teams. Hockey NSW, touch football and cross-country have allowed me to perform at a high level.
The experience of being involved in sporting environments has helped me grow and understand the importance of maintaining a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.
This has led me to recently completing my Certificate III and Certificate IV in fitness, allowing me to pursue a career to do what I love, encourage and motivate others to improve their health, fitness and wellbeing.
Hard work, being consistent and having a positive mindset has helped me to smash out my goals along the way. My current short-term goal is to improve my strength and to grow and learn as a coach. My long-term goal is to continue to challenge and educate myself and, in the future, wanting to complete a Bachelor of Exercise Science/Nutrition.
You are doing this for you and your health: don’t compare yourself to anyone, this is your journey. Become the best version of you.
I began training when I was in high school, there was a gym and I quickly started to like this idea of fitness. After this I would make an effort to keep active and train regularly.
I didn’t plan to become a trainer however till I was nearly 30. My time previously was spent as a chef, I spent 12 years after high school in the culinary arts and whilst I enjoyed this it was never a true passion. I decided later in life to start my career again, this time in fitness. So I studied, started from scratch and took a few steps back to allow a fresh start in a new job.
Since then, I have worked at a few gyms and studios, and have advanced my understanding and skill set. I am now here at Personalised Fitness, working with like-minded trainers. This allows me to help others progress and understand how to apply the various aspects of health and fitness to their own lives.
My hope is to help as many people as possible live lives unaffected by issues associated with negative health and preventable illness.
My name is Rachel and after 8 years of being in the health and fitness industry my passion for helping others and eagerness to learn is continuing to grow.
I’ve completed a bachelor in health science (PDHPE), a sub major in nutrition, master personal trainer certificate and other courses. This helped me set the foundation to focus on parts of the community needing the most guidance and understanding.
I decided to get a diploma in remedial massage this has added to my ability to help others move, feel and perform better!
I enjoy anything active and exciting, especially sport. Anyone who has experienced my classes and training sessions will know I always bring fun activities and a heap of energy!
At PF I am involved behind the scenes improving the client basis. I run specific classes and perform remedial massage for our community.
I’m super passionate about supporting others in creating long lasting change and improvement in all dimensions of their health!
Train Smarter With Myzone
We introduced Myzone Heart Rate Technology to ensure our members train effectively, and safely towards their health and fitness goals.
It is common for people to train by feeling, over-working the self to the point of injury, strain or worse.
Take a car for instance, if you are constantly flatlining your engine, eventually something is going to give, your heart is the engine, and if you are continuing to use yourself based on feeling your engine will experience some sort of strain.